Meet The Company
Raina Lucas
Faculty Artistic Director
Cate Walter
Student Artistic Director
CAS '25
​Cate is a senior in the College studying computer science. She has practiced ballet since the age of four when she started dancing at Bemus Pointe Ballet with Molly Vine. At the age of nine she started dancing at Chautauqua Regional Youth Ballet, where she practiced ballet and modern. She was part of the pre-professional division from the age of thirteen which provided her with numerous performance opportunities each year. Some of her favorite parts include the Sugar Plum Fairy from The Nutcracker, Balanchine’s Sylvia, and Balanchine’s Serenade. She has attended summer intensives at the School of American Ballet and the Chautauqua School of Dance since she was eleven years old.
Kyra Masone
Co-Production Director
SON '26
Olivia Noreke
Assistant Student Artistic Director
CAS '25
Annabelle Black
Spring Outreach Coordinator
SFS '25
Stephanie Wang
Co-Production Director
MSB '26
Claire Cheah
Spring Publicity Coordinator
SFS '26
Marialaura Saenz
MSB & SFS '25
Zoe Frantz
Social Media Coordinator
CAS '26
Yee Xin Cher
Fall Outreach Coordinator
MSB '26
Cece Peacock
Fall Outreach Coordinator
CAS '26
Alex Lailer
Sping Publicity Coordinator
CAS '26
Hailee Carter
Social Media Coordinator
SFS '27
Hailey Walker
MSB '26
Evelyn Slatoff
Fall Publicity Coordinator
CAS '27
Alice Ma
Videography Coordinator
MSB '27
Alexa Garber
CAS '28
Beatrice Wilson
Videography Coordinator
CAS '27
Annabelle Nielson
SOH '28
Antonia Iraola
CAS '28
Izzy Volpe
SFS '28
Natalie Pearl
CAS '28
Katherine Young
CAS '28